you create
An incentivized L1 blockchain that allows developers to capture the value their dapps create, enabling sustainable economic models.
How it works
Value Capture Engine ![Archway]()
Smart Contract Premiums
Add a fee for every time someone uses your contract
Archway enables developers to program a premium into dapp smart contracts. 100% of this fee will go to dapp developers.
Inflationary Yield
Receive a share of the network’s inflation
Archway shares a portion of the network’s token inflation directly with dapps. 25% will go to dapp developers and 75% will go to validators.
Gas Fee Rebates
Earn tokens every time someone uses your contract
Archway gives developers half of all gas fees their contracts generate. These fees will be divided evenly between developers and validators.
How many tokens could you earn?
Discover how many tokens your dapp would earn if it were built on Archway.
Peek under Archway’s hood—
Tech, economics, and more.
Understand how Archway sets its ecosystem up for sustainable growth. Dive into its tech stack, innovative modules, intuitive tooling, and more.
All of Archway’s papers, all in one place.
Dive into the Protocol’s economic, technical, and lightpapers, as well as other detailed documents to fully understand the power of Archway.
Contributors with a vision to empower and reward
Archway’s core contributors have a deep industry experience across many established projects.
Are you ready for the next step?
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