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Build once,
earn forever.


Incentivizing the best decentralized creators to build by giving them a percentage of their users' gas fees, inflation rewards, and the ability to charge a usage fee.


The network is your business model

Gas Fee Rebates

Earn a percentage of your user's gas fees

Archway gives developers half of all gas fees their smart contracts generate. Incentivizing builders results in high-quality applications for users.

Inflationary Rewards

Receive a share of the network's inflation

A portion of the network's token inflation goes directly to dapps. 25% will go to dapp developers and 75% to validators.

Smart Contract Premiums

Add a fee for every time someone uses your contract

Archway enables developers to program a premium into dapp smart contracts. 100% of this fee will go to dapp developers.

How much could you earn?

Discover how many tokens your dapp would earn if it were built on Archway.

Rewards Calculator

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Powered by experienced builders.

Archway's core contributors have a deep industry experience across many established projects.

CosmosTendermintCoinbaseConsensysAaveEthereumMakerDAOTezosKavaOpenseaStakefish1 InchFOAMQuicksilver

Ready to Build
and Earn?


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